This will help solving problems with epoxying rod wraps
Number one thing to get is a rod turning motor.
If your epoxy isn't curing - try this procedure. Get a pair of syringes for mixing your epoxy.
- Measure 3cc's of each part carefully with clean syringes.
- Empty each syringe into a shot glass and stir for five minutes. I use an old paintbrush handle to stir with, rotating the glass in my hands as I stir and continuously scrape the sides.
- After five minutes of stirring, pour the epoxy into an ashtray lined with aluminum foil and clean out your shot glass w/ paper towels and maybe some alcohol.
That mix should cure up for you OK.
Use a spatula to apply the finish to the turning thread wraps. A brush is ok, too, but a spatula cleans up with a couple swipes with a paper towel. You can even use a McDonald's coffee stir if you square up the end and sharpen it a bit.
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