The famous Brenda fly originally made for coastal flyfishing by Ove Monrad, but in this case converted into a tube fly.
Tubeflies for salmon and sea-run brown trouts are extremely popular here in Scandinavia. The benefits of replacing the hook and the flexibility in tying flies on tubes is the big advantages of tubeflies versus traditional flies tied on hooks.
In this video we have once again professional flytyer Marton Votborg behind the vice and demonstrating one of his favorite flies for fishing sea-run brown trout in his Danish home-waters: the Flat Head Brenda. The famous Brenda fly originally made for coastal flyfishing by Ove Monrad, but in this case converted into a tube fly.
Martin has a specific focus on the movement of the fly and are often using a small plastic-disc in front of the fly - a key-kactor in slowly running rivers and streams that allows the materials to move in the current and making much disturbment in the water, give it a try in you own home-waters.
Tube: 2 mm clear tube, 4 mm gold bead and 6 mm Flat Head Disc
Thread: Sand
Tag: Fire Orange Antron Yarn
Hackle: Brown cock hackle
Body: Salmo Supreme Dubbing
Fronthackle: Brown cock hackle and white rubberlegs
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