Published Feb 7. 2015 - 9 years ago
Updated or edited Nov 9. 2018

The Perfect Transparent Bait Fish

Flies are becoming more and more realistic - even the saltwater flies. Gammarus with transparent backs and scud patterns, shrimps tied with clear legs, looped tails and pulsating mouth parts and antennas. Now it is time for the bait fish.

Eager to create semi realistic patterns, convinced they fish better than more conventional standard patterns I continue to play and experiment with translucent and transparent materials to get the light shine through my flies. To me the silhouette, the movement and natural look is most important.

After some weekends where I experimented with different methods and designs I came up with the Perfect Transparent Bait Fish. As we do not have great dry fly waters on Sealand I now found new and better ways of using my Blue Dun capes for the longer body part of this new sandy eelish imitation.

\"Dead minnow\" on the sand -
The finished fly
Kern Leo Lund
Perfect Transparent Baitfish
Pattern type: 
Cold saltwater fly
Kern Leo Lund
Suvacky size 2-4
Nylon or white
Guinea fowl
Rear body
Two blue dun hackles
White Transparent STF dub
Front body
Olive brown Ice dub
Back and Belly
White Transparent STF dub
Body support
Guinea fowl fibres
3D eyes
Skill level/difficulty: 

Follow the instruction below to tie one baitfish yourself:

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10

Step 10

Step 11

Step 12

Step 13

Step 14

Step 15

Step 16

Step 17

Found a bait fish


Looks great. I've us...

Looks great. I've used feathers for baitfish before but they were destroyed after one fish so it wasn't worth the time in tying. Now I stick to Gamechangers. Tooth-proof!

Wow that looks so go...

Wow that looks so good.Where can I buy one of these.

Beautiful.Simple and...

Beautiful.Simple and awesome looks.

Awesome baitfish imi...

Awesome baitfish imitation, i actually tie a few similar type flies for the striped bass that flood my Maine coast starting around mid May, and in regards to the action in the water it is an absolute slayer of any and all New England inshore ocean gamefish, tied with appropriate colors to imitate different baits, only prob sometimes the tails twist.

wow - this fly Looks...

wow - this fly Looks great. I would like to know how it Looks and works in the water


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