On this DVD from 2008 Mikey Wier takes the grand tour of fly fishing in pursuit of the soul of the game. He fishes and talks his way around the globe and opens microphone and camera to other anglers, who tells about their fishing and their feelings for it. The trip brings us to an impressing array of destinations including Brazil, Belize, Christmas Island and the inevitable Mongolia as well as several more modest US destinations. The 1½ hours of soulfishing is a close to perfect blend of hefty fishing action and relaxing and philosophical talk, hanging out and just enjoying life.
Updated or edited 1 months ago
On this DVD from 2008 Mikey Wier takes the grand tour of fly fishing in pursuit of the soul of the game. He fishes and talks his way around the globe and opens microphone and camera to other anglers, who tells about their fishing and their feelings for it.
The trip brings us to an impressing array of destinations including Brazil, Belize, Christmas Island and the inevitable Mongolia as well as several more modest US destinations.
The 1½ hours of soulfishing is a close to perfect blend of hefty fishing action and relaxing and philosophical talk, hanging out and just enjoying life. Wier finds some interesting people, and I was totally fascinated by the youngster Loren Elliott who is both a skilled fly angler as well as pretty observant and good at expressing his opinions about the pastime he has chosen. And being able to fish as he does for a Grand Slam at his age... what a privilege!
The video is very well made and very well produced, and delivers exactly what we want as fireplace anglers: the ultimate "pub crawl" for anglers, hitting all the right spots on the map and meeting all the great people underway, Brian O'Keefe, Lefty Kreh, Jack Dennis amongst others.
The interviews are well paced and the persons featured all have things to say about fishing, which is worth listening to. Some interviews appear more as dialogs between persons, while others seem more traditional. These sequences interchange with action filled and beautifully filmed fishing sequences, which can get your heart pounding and your fishing fever galloping. An excellent mix.
The producer Mike Wier and his company Burl Productions is behind quite a few very neat online videos, an this DVD is a very nice condensation of that type of video, but just more than two hours worth. For 30 US dollars excellent entertainment!
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