Book review: Steelhead & the Floating Line - A Meditation
Bob Arnold is undoubtedly one of the most devoted wild Steelhead fly fishers alive today. More importantly, Bob is also undoubtedly one of the Steelhead's greatest proponents. Bob has spent the better portion of his life in a mad love affair with a siren dressed in molten silver with crimson blazes, This passionate love affair has taken Bob on many an outing to pursue a fish of which legends are made. The wild Steelhead of mystic rivers such as the Stillaguamish, and Wenatchee. It has taken him to the shores of Steelhead Rivers and smoky barrooms with the giants of Steelhead fly fishing history. Most importantly it has lead Bob to be a leader in the fight to save the wild native Steelhead of the Pacific Northwest.
All of his love and passion for this great fish and its habitat comes through in this book. You can not read this book without feeling the quickening of Bob's pulse and the rise of his blood pressure every time he speaks of his favorite rivers and the fish they produce. His enthusiasm is infectious. But there is more, far more. Bob tells the history of Steelhead fly fishing through the stories and experiences he has shared with the giants of this unique fly fishing quarry. Men such as Syd Glasso, Wes Drain, Lee Wulff, and George McLeod.
Sprinkled like gold dust throughout this remembrance is the knowledge and skills learned over decades of fly fishing for Steelhead. For the reader who is willing to learn, Bob provides a doctorate program in successfully fly fishing for Steelhead. Careful attention paid to the fly fishing information in this book will make any fly fisherman a better Steelhead fly fisher. It will more over make any fly fisherman a better fly fisherman no matter what his quarry.
Overall, a wonderful book which should be read by every fly fisherman interested in our sport. The information is worth far more than the price of the book. The wonderful stories and history of Steelhead fly fishing in the Pacific Northwest is also worth the price by itself. Get this book, read it, and be inspired.
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I am looking for det
I am looking for detailed tying instructions for Wes Drain 20 steelhead pattern