I'm just back from the 2014 International Fly Tying Symposium in New Jersey with a couple new sets of streamers that will be posted in the upcoming...
I'm just back from the 2014 International Fly Tying Symposium in New Jersey with a couple new sets of streamers that will be posted in the upcoming months. It was really a great show for streamers and I had a chance to chat to a few new tyers we hope to see on the site next year.
Now, back to business, there are a ton of collectable streamers on auction this week. The perfect chance to grab a couple to help celebrate the turkey and yam holiday, and stay out of the stampeding herds expected shortly.
First up is a series of streamers from S365 tyer Eunan Hendron which includes many of the Ghost series streamers he had shared with the 2014 part of the project. You can check out the streamers on auction from Eunan's ebay account addicted2vise.

A few streamers from Lance Allaire have also been posted.  Lance posts under flash-101 on Ebay and continues to offer a variety of Carrie Stevens patterns and original designs.

Stan Williams who sells his flies under swil7029 on Ebay has been quite busy at the vise tying a big selection of Carrie Stevens patterns on some traditional styled Mustad 3907A hooks. He also has a few other NE classics on sale and prides his tying on adhering to traditional methods.

Larry Leight (lk4leight) has a section of Carrie Stevens patterns and a sweet looking original called Fly Creek.

Lastly we have fly tyer Sam Kenney who lists his streamers under classicflies45 and has been busy creating some original patterns. His Sunshine Special is the only streamer on auction at the moment, but it is a beautiful one.

Happy Bidding!
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