This small top water gurgler is a fly that has caught me lots of fish over the last few trips. There are a lot of little frogs that are hopping all over the place, and they are light colored. I had a yellow version of this and caught so many fish it was insane! Bass, Sunfish, even some rio cichlids on my last trip. So here is a video of me tying a couple of these for my next trip. I can't wait to get these out on the water, and catch some more of these really fun fish! I used a 3wt to cast this, and it casted very easily. They are like poppers, but much more wind resistant. I suggest giving gurglers a try if you plan on fishing any small ponds, or rivers with sunfish or bass in them.
Many of the materials I used today were from Risen fly, they make high quality products at great prices. And even better, I got you guys a discount. Type in McFly at checkout for a discount on all the items in their shop.
Here is a list of materials I used on this fly, as always, colors can be switched up. You can also switch up the materials as well, but be careful when doing so as different materials could end up having different properties and change how the fly moves or looks. Most links are affiliated links and bring in a little extra revenue to the channel. I appreciate you purchasing from these links. But first and foremost try to buy from your local fly shop to help support them. If they don't have these materials, or you can't make it over to them, then please purchase from these links. Thank you!
Hooks: Risenfly barbless nymph 9231 -
Thread: Veevus 6/0 in brown -
Tail: Chickabou in tan -
Flash: Crystal Flash Midge pearl -
Dubbing: Starburst Dubbing in light orange -
Foam: 2mm fly sheet foam -
Adhesive: Krazy Glue -
Legs: Mini Silli Legs -
Indicator Foam: 2mm in bright color -
Vise: Renzetti Traveler -
Bobbin: Stonfo Bobtec -
Scissors: Dr. Slick all purpose -
Whip finisher: Dr. Slick brass -
UV Light: Ultrafire UV Super Power -
Fly Tying Bench: Oasis Walnut Compact Bench -
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