Baitfish streamers tied with synthetic fibers are very popular for predatory fish anywhere around the world for both fresh and salt water. The synthetic fibers do not absorb water like natural materials do, and this makes them easier to cast and fish with. Predatory fish such as pike, bass and perch are obvious species to hunt with a fly rod and with an baitfish-imitation at the end of the leader, but they can be “rough” for the flies if they are not tied by solid and durable materials – and this is one of advantages of synthetic fibers. In this video we have been visiting (and fishing) our good friends at Denmark Fishing Outdoor Lodge, where another of the guests at the lodge was the skilled Dutch fly fisherman and fly tyer Andre Miegies, who had exchanged the hunt for his Dutch predatory fish for Danish sea trout along the coastline of Fynen. We persuaded Andre to tie one of his favorite baitfish flies among the other guests at the lodge and in the restaurant.
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