With underwater movement footage.
Crabs and shrimp are very important food sources for many saltwater fish species. Among the most popular of these species are the drum family. Red drum (commonly known as redfish) and black drum both eat crabs and shrimp readily. Black drum in south Texas especially go after black colored crab flies that are fished along the bottom. This fly resembles both a crab and a shrimp, and is very effective for both redfish and black drum. It also is effective for many other species like bonefish (when tied smaller) and permit. The flashy materials used helps get the fish's attention without being too flashy to scare them away.
Hook: Gamakatsu SS15 size 2 (can be tied from size 6-1/0 on any saltwater long shank hook)
Thread: Danville 210 flat waxed
Flash: Holographic Flashabou (any fine flash material like crystal flash could work)
Tail: Super Flash Dubbing (any stripped tinsel flash like ice dubbing could work)
Claws: Grizzly saddle hackle (Black hackle works great as well)
Body: Super Fiber (EP fiber, or any type of fine synthetic fiber can work)
Weight: Dumbbell eyes in the largest size that will fit on the hook properly.
Music: funnysong, ukulele, Sunny - Bensound.com
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