One of the most popular classics saltwater-patterns is Del Brown's Merkin Crab - an easy-to-tie and super- allround crab-pattern for saltwater species. Crab-patterns are an important type of flies to have in the box when searching the flats for bonefish, permits and other predators - but crab-patterns are also effective in cold water so give it a try on your local waters. In this video we have put Mathias "Krølle" ibsen behind the vice demonstrating his version of Merkin Crab called Crabbie Chan.
Hook: Ahrex NS105 - Streamer D/E, Barbless # 8
Thread: Tan UTC
Weight: Bead chain eyes, black
Eyes: Easy Shrimp Eyes XS, Transparant Brown
Tail: Golden brown grizzly marabou
Body: Tying-thread
Back: Pearl Flatbraid
Legs: Sculpin Flash Fibre, tan + Silicine Micro Mini Legs Pearl/Barred Black
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