The word midge has a duality of meanings – at least for fly tiers and fly fishermen. First of all, it can mean: a very small fly, natural or artificial. So any bug tied on a fly hook size 18 or smaller is a candidate to the midge title, even though it may represent a mayfly or even a sow bug. But for this video, let’s focus on the real midges.
In non scientific terms they are mosquitoes, phantom midges and other two-winged insects. Some are bloodsuckers and some are very friendly and just love dancing over the lake in a glorious sunset. Midges are true bugs, meaning they have three stages, larva, pupa and adult flying insect. They aren’t picky about their habitat, or more correct: there’s some kind of midges in all types of water.
In this video we have teamed up with our very own Håkan Karsnäser who will never go on a trip without a bunch of midges in the flybox, and this Emerging Midge is one of his favorites – simple yet effective.
Small Emerging Midge
Hook: Ahrex FW521 Sedge # 16 and smaller
Thread: Black 10/0
Tail: Crystal Flash
Body: Natural Polish Quill, coated with uv resin
Hackle: Grizzly hackle
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