Every single time I go to Corpus and film the trip I usually get skunked. But finally I caught a few nice fish, and my buddy Johnny caught a legal flounder and speckled trout. We fished only two days, but had a great time. I was exhausted I have to say from throwing an 8wt into the wind for many many hours non stop, but it was a good rod. Whether or not I catch, I always have a great time hanging with my buddy Johnny. He has been my friend for ages, and we always enjoy fishing together and hanging out.
So the fly that worked best for me was a large mullet fly pattern. Seemed to catch most of the fish. I tried crabs, and redfish crack, but nothing worked like that mullet pattern. This makes sense since this time of year, medium sized mullet are everywhere. Fish seem to target them, since they are a big meal. They don't want to exhort themselves on a small meal when its cold out. And it sure was cold, and windy!
Go check out this rod and reel. You can buy it at www.risenfly.com. The rod is called the Goliath, and the reel is the whale reel. For the money, I don't think there is any combo better. The grip is different, its a golf club grip style, which is great for slimy and wet hands. I didn't really have trouble with grip even after handling the very slimy speckled trout. also I have a discount I can pass onto you. Type in McFly at checkout for an additional 15% off your purchase.
Also if you guys want to buy my boxes, just let me know. I also sell flies.
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