A mix between a Green spey, Gray Heron, and a Micro Intruder... this is the Green Heron Micro Intruder. Like many of my steelhead flies, the Partridge Waddington shank is the platform and is tied without extra weight. This allows the fly life like movement on a floating line, a sink tip, or my favorite an intermediate head with a mono leader.
There are some useful techniques covered in this video. The use of a small amount of flash between the two arctic fox wings and the mounting of the Jungle Cock eyes.
- Partridge 35mm waddington shank - http://www.partridge-of-redditch.co.uk/products/salmon-steelhead/specia…
- Partridge Z4 intruder hook sz4 - http://www.partridge-of-redditch.co.uk/node/969
- Lagartun Thread
- Lagartun French Flatbraid
- Green and gray Arctic fox wings
- Mirage Flash - https://www.hedroninc.com/products/flashabou-mirage/flashabou-mirage
- Heron Hackle - http://www.canadiantubeflies.com/flytying-plumage-heron.html
- Jungle Cock
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