Published Mar 8. 2018 - 6 years ago

Liggett Special Bucktail

I first saw this fly pattern years ago while reading an article on Global Fly Fisher written by Mike Martinek. Mike stated that he preferred to fish the Liggett Special over the Mickey Finn and claimed it as one of his all-time favorite bucktails. The bucktail was named for one Mr. Liggett, a Hathaway Shirt Co foreman.

It is easy to see the resemblance to the famous Mickey Finn bucktail.

Liggett Special Fly Pattern Recipe

Hook: Mustad R75-79580 #4-10
Thread: Black 8/0 (70d)
Body: Silver flat tinsel
Rib: Silver oval tinsel
Wing: White, red and yellow bucktail
Eye: Painted or jungle cock nails
Head: Black with Bone Dry UV


Southern California by Riot (Royalty Free Music)

Camera: Nikon CoolPix B700
Vise: Griffin Montana Mongoose

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Martin Joergensen

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