The song of grasshoppers is a major part of the background soundscape on a warm day in late summer and early fall. They live on most corners of the planet, not counting the coldest climate zones. They prefer dry and open habitats with lots of grass and other low plants – though some species actually live in forests or jungles. They are insects and are related to crickets, and are likely the oldest living group of chewing herbivorous insects, dating back to the early Triassic around 250 million years ago. Grasshoppers can fly, but they aren’t really good at it – so some of them occasionally drops into the water – and they don’t land like a dandelion seed parachute. The come in hot and heavy – calling a lot of attention. We have in this video put our very own Håkan Karsnäser behind the vise to demonstrate his simple yet very effective Loco Hopper.
Hook: Ahrex FW504 Short Shank Dry # 14
Thread: Black 10/0
Tail: Loco Foam, Peacock/Black
Wing: Elkhair
Legs: Brown rubberlegs with olive bars
Abdomen: Loco Foam, Peacock/Black
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