First off I want to say that this was not my idea, but I got it from another youtuber called Piscator Flies. He had a video called "DIY Laser Dubbing" and I had to share the technique with you guys. Check out that video here...
First off, this stuff really is awesome dubbing. I tried it with a few brands of yarn, and I found that "lion brand - landscapes" yarn seemed to be the best. You can get it at walmart (at least my local one) If you cannot find it there, or want to order online, Amazon sells it for pretty cheep. Actually some colors are better price than at the lion brand website. Here is the link.
So basically you just cut the yarn to your preferred fiber length, then brush it out till it turns to dubbing. Add some flash if you want with ice dub, or starburst dubbing, or even Angelina fiber.
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