The grand-old-man in saltwater-flyfishing and -tying Bob Veverka created the famous pattern The Mantis Shrimp. The fly has proven its ability to imitate shrimps and to "fool" saltwater-fish in big numbers - and it is a must-have in every bonefishers fly-box. In this video we have teamed up once again with Mathias "Krølle" Ibsen who ties his version of the all-time-classic, an easy-to-tie fly Mathias has caught a big number of nice bonefish on.
Hook: Ahrex Streamer SA220 #4
Thread: Tan UTC
Eyes: Gold Bead Chaiin and black Easy Shrimp Eyes
Tail: Tan Craft Fur
Legs: Silicone Micro Legs Amber Gold Flake
Body: SLF Saltwater Sand
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