Fly fishing for the mighty steelhead is not always pretty, and this issue’s T-Motion theater illustrates the very real deal in the search for Pacific Northwest steelies. The weather during this early spring shoot was as usual; rain, rain and more rain. The rivers rose fast, cleared out, and rose again with each new rain storm. My friend and angler on film, Jack Mitchell, has lived in the Pacific Northwest his entire life and has been guiding and chasing steelhead for most of his years. Despite his expertise, the very real deal of fly fishing for steelhead means that there are no guarantees. It took us many attempts, many hours on the river, and many conversations. Finally we landed a steelhead, but it was what Jack calls “arduous patience” that made it all happen. As in every video shoot, I appreciate the cooperation and joviality of my anglers. Jack is as jovial as they come. What an adventure! Thanks to Jack Mitchell of The Steelhead Ranch, and to Eddie Bauer for their generous support. For this and more go to
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Eddie Bauer -
Orvis -
Echo Fly Rods -
Winston Fly Rods -
Scientific Anglers -
Korkers -
Costa Eye Protection -
*Camera Information*
- Aerial solutions by Quadrocopter.
- Copters powered by Venom -
- High quality aerial filter and adapters solutions here - Snake River
Prototyping -
- DJI Phantom 3 Pro
- Sony RX-100
- Panasonic Ag-160a
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