Stripping flies incorporating foam in their body on a full sinking line is a popular and effective technique used at Pyramid Lake, Nevada to target Lahontan Cutthroat trout. The sinking line delivers the flies to the bottom of the lake, while the use of foam in the body of the fly gives it movement and keeps it from digging into the sand or catching on vegetation. Two popular styles of flies used in this technique are variations of the Gurgler and the Booby. Failing to trim the lip of a Gurgler symmetrically or slightly offsetting the Booby eyes from the centerline of the hook shank can result in the fly turning on its side, or worse, spinning when striped. This can be avoided by incorporating the foam in the arse style, as seen in some Loch flies. The action of the fly depends greatly on the length and diameter of foam used in relation to the hook, and to some extent the materials used in the fly. When first tying this fly I find it best to leave the foam long and trim it to achieve the movement you are after. Once you have done that to one fly you will know how long you want to make the arse on all your other flies. This is a style of fly more than a pattern. Many different color combinations can be used and each can be effective at different times. Chartreuse Estaz, White wing and White foam and Black Holographic Estaz, Black wing and black foam are two of my other favorite color combinations.
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