Episode 5 - For the past five years Phil Tuttle has been seeking to catch his first permit. Would you believe that the first permit he ever threw to ate his fly? Unfortunately for him, that fish popped lose... as well as a handful of others over the past 5 years. Weeks of chasing permit everywhere from Mexico, Belize, the Caribbean, the Seychelles... It's been a long journey for Phil to say the least!
In this episode Phil and Gil return to the permit rich waters of El Pescador in Belize to see if Phil can put his hands on his first permit. With any luck, and weather permitting he might finally get it done!
Thanks for watching!
Whether your preference is chasing trout in a cold mountain stream, bonefish on a secluded flat, or large mouth bass in your favorite warm water pond, this series has something for you! Checkout the past two seasons right here on YouTube!
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