At lest the fish will seem that way. Great fly pattern!
The Stay Hungry fly is one of my favorite flies to fish for striper in the north west. Here, the striper like fast moving flies, that have lots of movement in the water and use bright colors with lots of flash. These flies match all those requirements. They are large profile flies, that move wonderfully in the water due to being tied with craft fur. I like tying them in white and chartreuse, however you can use what ever colors you want to match the hatch so to speak. These flies do take a little time, and a bit of skill to tie.
Hook: Gamakatsu SS15 size 1/0
Thread: Danville 210 Waxed (white)
Fiber: Craft fur (white and chartreuse)
Flash: Krystal flash and flashabou
Dubbing: Ice dub (pearl)
Body Wrap: EZ body (pearl)
Epoxy: Solarez "bone dry" formula.
Music: Funnysong, Jazzyfrenchy, Sunny, and Clapandyell -
Dumbbell Eye Tips:
Preparing and selecting streamer hackle:
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