Published Nov 13. 2020 - 4 years ago
Updated or edited Nov 14. 2020

The Perfect Egg

Clown eggs, and egg patterns in general are a great fly to fish trout, especially stocked trout. Granted they at times have a bad rap, and I probably wouldn't fish them on a remote stream with wild trout, but they are a wonderful option in rivers and creeks that are stocked periodically. These flies are super simple to tie, and can be tied very quickly. In fact I can bust out about 20 per hour, maybe more. I don't tie enough of these myself for me to use the hackle plier egg dispenser method like you see some other videos on YouTube use. These pliers cost a little bit of money, and I don't like damaging one for just this use. I am sure the vast majority of you don't either. The material is inexpensive enough that if you tie less than 20 of these a year, you probably would be better off just dealing with a little material waste than dedicating a hackle plier for these. That being said, both techniques are viable options that end up producing the same results.

Now I have no relation to the material "McFly Foam" however it is one of the better materials out there for egg making. You can use this same technique with glo foam and other egg materials, but it always turns out better with the McFly Foam for me.

For the hooks, I use barbless, but if you want a barb, the egg hook by risen is also a great option and slightly stronger even, so give that a try as well.

Here is a list of the materials I used on this fly.
Hook: Risen Barbless Emerger 2488 -
Thread: Veevus 6/0 in Pink -
Body: Clown McFly Foam -
Head Cement: Loon Water Based Head Cement -

Vise: Renzetti Traveler -
Bobbin: Stonfo Bobtec -
Scissors: Dr. Slick all purpose -
Whip finisher: Dr. Slick brass -
Fly Tying Bench: Oasis Walnut Compact Bench -


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