All the oldie pictures from back when GFF was not yet formed and GFF partner Martin Joergensen was running Fishing Denmark.
Pretty pictures
This is the old family album of Global Fly Fisher. Remember to check out the new Gallery page. It features pictures of and by many friends around the world. Most of the pictures are quite large but each is on its separate page, and saved in JPEG format and fairly well compressed. Click on a thumbnail to see it.
The Gallery contains quite a lot of images these days, and is subdivided into several categories. You are now in The Gallery Classic, which is the original gallery page, but there are some sections with pictures on specific subjects:
- Sepp Fuchs is a well known Dutch tyer and caster. He also catches fish...
- Jan Reniers from Holland shows that rainbows can be caught in that flat land
- Lots of pictures from the International Fly Tyers Symposium in New Jersey
- Fishing in the North East U.S. in connection with the N.J. Symposium.
- Float Tube Regatta 96 was a thrill - look for yourself
- Tyers from all over the place... and Holland
- Bananfly Brian Kjær's pictures from the Danish and Swedish coasts.
- Henrik Franke has sent me some very nice pictures of true Danish winter fishing
- Pictures from the US North West where I fished for steelhead in December 95.
- I also isolated the pictures concerning float tubes.
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