Lithuania based artist Arturas Merkevicius AKA Art Merk makes beautiful fly fishing themed leather art. We approached with the usual row of questions for fishy artists.
Arturas dropped me a mail:
I've just started leather artwork applications for flyfishing accessories.
And if you consider it is worth to be or presented at GFF - it would be great.
As a beginner I'm looking for any opportunity to represent my artworks.
There was a link to his web site, presenting some beautiful leather handcraft, and I definitely found his work worthy of an article, so I fired off my usual row of questions.
a) How did you start working with art and with fishing related art in particular?
I've discovered some interest in art at school, painting in particular. But as most of us have chosen career in business, becoming as marketing manager, just to express creativeness in some way. On the other hand, fishing as a habit of mine, finally evolved into fly fishing about 10 years ago, therefore I was always thinking may I contribute to it or start some sort of activity like fly tying or else. So the need of self-expression, of creating I believe was always in me until it came up and I realized that have to start some action. Therefore I was assessing all the materials: metals, wood, paper. And leather seemed to be most preferable. What was exciting is that this material is art crafting friendly and same way is durable and adjusted to be used, and used in the outdoors.
b) Why fish and/or fishing?
Fly fishing plays an important part in my life. And art or creativeness is impossible if you don't have emotional attachment. So it was natural thing to come up with some fly fishing related art.
c) What is your preferred method of painting/drawing/producing your work - if any?
In my point of view, painting the leather is the top expression of leather craftsmanship. Yes, you can paint on it almost as on canvas. Therefore painting is my preferred type of leather craftsmanship. Moreover I like paintings, to look like a painting. I mean, some artists try to paint realistic paintings almost to look like a photo, but for me layering colors one on the other, visible brushstrokes in different directions, coloring and rhythm is the preferred method I use. Also I assume it as very organic way to work with leather, which has its own texture as well.
d) Is the art your main source of income - if at all a source of income - or do you do other jobs as a supplement?
It is not. Main focus for me was to start something involving and exciting, to gain some news and skills, to learn and get pleasure of it. I believe this is the right way for best performance and creativity. On the other hand, for sure, each artwork has to find the right owner. Therefore, my artwoks are available for purchase. Also I kindly consider custom ideas. Maybe one day I would be able to work as an artist in general. And for sure this is my goal - to do what you are passionate for and live of that. By the way, my fishing equipment already is filled with these accessories.
e) Can people buy your art and if so, then in which form and where?
Yes, anyone who likes my art and want to have a leather artwork accessory can purchase any already made or obtain a custom pattern. I have displayed my recent artworks on my website: and can be reached via email and all the details will be sorted out.
f) Where do you currently live and work?
I used to live in London, while studying for masters degree of marketing. Now I live in Lithuania and work as a marketing manager.
Arturas Merkevicius AKA Art Merk
Web site
Fishy artists
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