Published Feb 7. 2012 - 12 years ago
Updated or edited Mar 11. 2016

Fishy photos: Aleksandar Vrtaric

Croatian photographer Aleksandar Vrtaric has a slightly different photographic style compared to many other fly fishing photographers. He likes to go close and often uses very tight compositions. We asked him a few questions 

A scale -
Dragonfly -
Nature\'s beer cooler -
Up close
Aleksandar Vrtaric

Croatian photographer Aleksandar Vrtaric has a slightly different photographic style compared to many other fly fishing photographers. He likes to go close and often uses very tight compositions. We asked him the same questions as we usually ask out Fishy Photographers, and Aleksandar kindly relpied.

How did you start photographing - and what made you choose fishing related photos in particular?

I started taking photographs with my father's camera when I was a kid. Eventually, I got my own cameras, but in those days things were quite a bit more challenging - chemicals, dark rooms. You actually had to think before pressing the shutter button…
Fly fishing is fun and being able to show all the beautiful aspects of fly fishing to people who fly fish and to ones who have no idea about fly fishing is probably the main reason I carry my camera along when fishing. When it comes to waters and fly fishing, I am always easily fascinated and having the camera along is just the right way to express that.

You actually had to think before pressing the shutter button…

Flybox -
Fly in the hand -
A reel -
Picking a bead -
Aleksandar Vrtaric
Dorsal fin -
Eye -
In the surface -
Small and cold -
In the clear water -
The natural -
Grayling -
The fish
Aleksandar Vrtaric

Do you have a particular subject, region or a style of pictures that you mainly shoot or are you more all-round?

I like to get close, I like to catch a story, to accent a certain detail. I also like playing with geometry and composition - it's an endless game, really.

Where are your photos used? Books, magazines, brochures, ads, web sites, prints, gallery exhibits or other places?

Through the years, my photographs have been published in a couple of dozen magazines in Europe and U.S.A. I've sold photos to companies, tourist boards, individuals… Recently I had a story with photos published in an Italian book showcasing some worldwide fishing destinations.

Is photography your main source of income - if at all a source of income - and do you do other jobs as a supplement?

It is. Well, along with the writing. I am a freelancer.

Mayfly -
Up close -
Fishing dog -
Toads -
Spikes -
Aleksandar Vrtaric
Lip grip -
Lifting -
Sunny, dreamy -
Aleksandar Vrtaric

Can people buy your pictures and if so, then in which form and where?

They can buy prints or digital files (I prefer the digital form because today it just works faster). Anyone interested in my work can find the contact info on my website and everyone is welcome to check out my blog.

Where do you currently live and work?

I live in a town on four rivers called Karlovac, in a beautiful country called Croatia.

What's in your bag? Preferred cameras, bodies, lenses and other gear?

I am currently using Canon system but I am not a brand addict. I used other systems too. I like my bag light so I try to make my photo gear simple. I don't like flashes and I use tripod only if I really, really have to.

On the coast -
Night fishing -
Forest stream -
Pectoral fin -

Contact Aleksandar

You can find his contact information onf the web site Suck my Fly
You can also follow Aleksandar's blog here

Pond reflection -
Winter swans -
Translucent -
Aleksandar Vrtaric
Sunny spot -
Sunny spot
Aleksandar Vrtaric
Lips -
Aleksandar Vrtaric


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