Published Mar 15. 2012 - 12 years ago
Updated or edited Oct 28. 2021

Fishy photos: Nick Price

Guiding in Idaho is Nick Price's main source of income and photography is second. Nick is particularly fond of B/W pictures and shooting bugs with macro.

Brown drake smorgasbord -
Before the rise -
Brown drake portrait -
Chilly -
Creek catch -
Nick Price

Nick price is another photographer whose name popped up during my recent quest for fly-fishing photographers. A professional guide with a very keen eye for fly-fishing subjects and a really nice online portfolio - not least with some beautiful B/W images and some cool bug close-ups.
I approached Nick with our usual bunch of fishy photographers questions.

How did you start photographing and what made you choose fishing related photos in particular?

I am a full-time fly fishing guide in Sun Valley, Idaho. So... the transition to fly fishing related images was easy.
I really started taking photographs seriously on a trip to Italy in 2006. Since then, it has been a full-blown, self taught journey.
Believe it or not, a lot of my inspiration comes from surfing photography; from portraits to pulled back landscape style images.

Do you have a particular subject, region or a style of pictures that you mainly shoot or are you more all-round?

As far as having a particular subject or style I would first say that I am most drawn to black & white. The emotion it evokes along with the pure simplicity of composition has always attracted me.
With that said, I love taking macro images of aquatic insects and landscapes near or on trout water. I am also interested, as a personal project, in photographing faces in the American West.

Believe it or not, a lot of my inspiration comes from surfing photography

Brown drake elegance -
Callibaetis -
Eye of the dragon -
Female mahogany dun -
Female trico -
Mahogany dun -
Nick Price
Anglers in the sunset -
Blanton Creek -
Creek -
Hunters Creek -
Anglers, streams
Nick Price

Where are your photos used? Books, magazines, brochures, ads, web sites, prints, gallery exhibits or other places?

My photos have been used both for editorial purposes and as fine art prints. I have a web site dedicated to my photographic work and update my blog regularly with whatever I am currently working on.

Is photography your main source of income - if at all a source of income - and do you do other jobs as a supplement?

Guiding fly fishing is my main source of income and photography is second.

Can people buy your pictures and if so, then in which form and where?

People can buy images by visiting my web site: or by contacting me via email:
I sell images for editorial use and as prints.

Becoming a spinner -
Adipose fin -
Brookie in the net -
Iris -
Nick Price

Where do you currently live and work?

I live in Hailey, Idaho with my wife and two sons and guide out of Sun Valley, Idaho. I guide out of the shop, Ketchum On The Fly, where I have a minority stake in the business.
I have been in the fly fishing industry since attending the University of Montana in Missoula. I got started there and have not looked back.

What's in your bag? Preferred cameras, bodies, lenses and other gear?

My gear bag is in a never-ending flux. As it is, I am mainly using two Nikon camera bodies, a D200 and a D3S.
My favorite, or rather most often used lenses are: Nikon 24 pc-e & Nikon 35 f/2 lenses. The 35mm frame of view is my most preferred at the moment and the tilt shift movements of the 24 pc-e lens offer me all kinds of creative flexibility.
I use my tripod as often as I possibly can especially given the fact that I am often shooting with slower shutter speeds at first or last light. I use a Really Right Stuff ballhead and a Gitzo carbon fiber tripod. That combo is a super durable workhorse for me. I also rely on the Really Right Stuff macro rail for most of my up-close work and as a nodal slide for creating panorama images.
I use the Nikon 105 f/2.8 macro lens and often add extension tubes to get even greater magnification for my macro work.


Nick Price's photography web site and online portfolio can be found here
He can be reached via email:
As a guide he can be booked through the outfitter Ketchum On The Fly in Sun Valley, Idaho.

Forest -
Silver Cree after sunset -
Meandering -
Lower Bigwood -
Nick Price

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