Recently Belgian Roland Henrion started focusing more on his art, and that made him a candidate for our fishy artists series.
2023 update
Roland has updated his bio and I've added some more recent pictures on his request. Martin
Artist Graphic - designer - photographer by profession, born in Belgium, 1960. Passionate fly fisherman, both in fresh and saltwater.
I studied art and design in Antwerp, married Sophie and lived in Montpellier (France) for nine years. Then we moved to Seychelles where we lived 6 years.
Based on Mahé, I worked as free-lance graphic artist, mainly for the tourism sector: logos, brochures and illustrations for hotels such as Desroches and Alphonse Island Resorts. Today, I still work for Seychelles based companies such as Mason's Travel, Hotel L'Archipel,
Seychelles offered unique fly fishing possibilities and I quickly started to guide. I became the first official foreign fly fishing guide. With a local skipper, we managed to capture the first sailfish on fly. I took guests to many islands (mainly the Amirantes) but also organized bluewater fishing.
We had to leave Seychelles in 2003 and now live in Namur - Belgium where I work as free-lance graphic designer. I'm still very much involved in fly fishing, both professionnaly (design work for TOF Fly Fishing, Field & Fish) and the sport itself : reservoir fly fishing for trout and pike from a boat or float tube. I host a couple of fly fishing trips in Seychelles with good friends every year.
I fished for tarpon twice in Cuba and for me, this is the ultimate species one can catch on fly!
In 2017, after spending many years working on Mac, I went back to painting, feeling the need for authenticity and true emotions which advertising fails to give. My favourite medium is acrylics on canvas. I broke my foot just before the Covid-19 lock-down and did a lot of watercolors while laying in bed.
Most of my subjects are inspired by the sea, working from photographs and sketches I make during my travels (Ireland, Scotland, Seychelles, Cuba, Azores, Spain). The human body remains the most interesting subject to paint.
You can contact me for commisioned work: landscapes, fishing and portraits. Please visit my online art gallery.
Roland Henrion
Phone: +32 81 400 554
Cell: +32 494 92 34 30
Below you will find the original article, still with Roland's original art.
I have had contact with Belgian fly fisher and artist Roland Henrion since 2004, and he has always been quite an entrepreneur, developing and marketing products for fly fishers, guiding, even writing for this site.
Recently he has started to focus more on his art, and that made a perfect excuse to feature him as a fishy artist here on the Global FlyFisher.
a) How did you start working with art and with fishing related art in particular?
I am a graphic designer/illustrator/photographer by profession. I started moving away from computer work last year to concentrate on painting.
Roland Henrion
b) Why fish and fishing?
I am a passionate fly fisherman and I love all types of water: river, lakes, oceans. The ever changing light conditions make that I never tire of the endless color combinations and atmospheres.
c) What is your preferred method of painting/drawing/producing your art – if any?
I mostly use acrylics on stretched linen canvas (formats 100×70, 50×70 mostly), but also work with watercolors, pen & ink, pencils...
d) Is the art your main source of income – if at all a source of income - and do you do other jobs as a supplement?
Yes I paint for a living, more and more now as I tend to do less design work.
e) Can people buy your art and if so, then in which form and where?
People can buy my work and commission paintings from photos they send.
Paintings can also be purchased as prints.
All info is on my blog:
Paintings can also be purchased here:
f) Where do you currently live and work?
I live and work in Namur, Belgium
g) Whatever you find interesting or relevant as a supplement - just in case I left out something important.
I lived in Seychelles where I was the first officially registered fly fishing guide.
Roland Henrion, graphic designer
Web site:
Instagram: -
Paintings can be purchased at
Phone: +32 (0)81 400 554
Roland Henrion
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