Located close to the river Tweed, Eoin Fairgrieve developed a passion and skill for photography through shooting images for articles on fishing for Atlantic salmon. We approached him with our usual row of questions.
How did you start photography - and what made you choose fishing related photos in particular?
My interest in angling photography evolved from my professional life as a speycasting instructor based on the River Tweed in Scotland. In the late 90's I began submitting fly fishing and speycasting articles to the Trout & Salmon magazine in the UK. Often this would involve supplying images to illustrate various features I was submitting. At that point I had very limited photographic experience and I was keen to learn how to take images of a publishable quality that I could use in conjunction with my writing.
Do you have a particular subject, region or a style of pictures that you mainly shoot or are you more all-round?
I very much enjoy photographing all forms associated with fly-fishing, but have a particular interest in taking images of speycasting. Speycasting is an extremely visual aspect of fly fishing, which looks great when captured well in a still image. Being based in the Scottish Borders, I concentrate primarily on salmon fishing on the River Tweed, however, overseas destination fishing in places like Russia and Argentina have provided some excellent photographic opportunities. Regarding a particular style, I do enjoy the impact of black & white fly fishing images.
Speycasting is an extremely visual aspect of fly fishing,
Where are your photos used? Books, magazines, brochures, ads, web sites, prints, gallery exhibits or other places?
The main client for my work is the Trout & Salmon magazine in the UK, supplying fly fishing images to illustrate particular features and articles. I also supply catalogue images for tackle manufacturer Hardy/Greys and British fly fishing retailer, John Norris of Penrith. I have some work featured on internet fishing channel Online Fishing TV.
Is photography your main source of income - if at all a source of income - and do you do other jobs as a supplement?
No, my main source of income comes from the fishing school where I teach both single and double-handed casting techniques. I find my photography is like learning to fly cast in as much as it's a continual learning process. As I improve my technique and broaden my photographic experience, I hope for it to become an increasing part of my professional business.
Can people buy your pictures and if so, then in which form and where?
At present it's not possible to purchase prints direct from my photographic website (www.flyfishing.co.uk), but I can be contacted at www.eoinfairgrieve.co.uk for individual prints of any particular images listed on the site.
Where do you currently live and work?
I live in a small town in the Scottish Borders called Kelso. Kelso sits right beside the River Tweed and is a very well known area for Atlantic salmon fishing.
What's in your bag? Preferred cameras, bodies, lenses and other gear?
Canon 7D Body
Canon EFS 18-200
Sigma 120-400 f4.5
Sigma 10-20 f5.6
BW 10 stop ND circular filter
EWA Marine Water Proof Casing
Cokin Grad Filters
Cable Release
Find Eoin's web site on www.eoinfairgrieve.co.uk
His photo site is on www.flyfishingimages.co.uk
Eoin can be contacted via mail on eoin@speycast.co.uk or via phone (UK) +44 01573 226700, Mobile: +44 0771 5977060
You can locate Eoin on Facebook
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