Joseph Cordeiro has been tying flies for over 25 years. The past 10 years focusing on teaching, presenting at shows and marketing saltwater flies. Joe has been fishing his entire life growing up near Cape Cod. Fly-fishing has been his main focus for many years. His salt-water fly patterns have been tested in waters for their imitation of the bait they mimic. Many of his patterns are lifelike imitations. The materials used are natural and add to the authenticity of the product. Joe’s style and tying technique have caught the attention and admiration of many seasoned fly tiers and his passion for the art is evident. Fly Tying is not just a hobby - for this man it is a passion.
Joe will in this video tie one of his favorite bloodworm patterns for fishing for striped bass, bluefish, albies and other predatory saltwaterfish when the worms hatch and the fish become selective. Joseph says about the fly “It has the wiggle, it has the motion - "the motion in the lotion" in the water make everything work and come together. Fish it tight, fish it long, make sure it sinks and get it down in the water column but remember not to strip it fast.”
Hook: Ahrex SA280 Minnow # 1
Thread: Orange or red UNI 3/0
Tail: Mix of fire orange and pale orange bucktail. Burnt red flatwing hackle, burnt orange grizzly flatwing hackle, fine orange Krystal Flash and Burnt red flatwing hackle on a small base of a few turns of bubbing of fluffy fibres from the burnt red hackle.
Body: Bill's Bodi-Braid and burnt red and burnt orange hackle
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