Published Jan 12. 2006 - 18 years ago
Updated or edited Jan 14. 2016

The Junior Mysis

A fly tied for sea trout in the Baltic area. It proved to be efficient in other places too. Translucent and yet colored. Tie it in olive, rusty or tan and you can imitate any camouflaged mysis—and it will stand out from the crowd. Can be tied by seniors too...

I like patterns, which somehow imitate what sea trout prefer for dinner. Sculpins, sand eels, shrimp and mysis are often found during an autopsy.

Some years ago, Ken Bonde Larsen showed me a fly, which looked interesting. It was white and the dubbing extended in all directions, but in the water it looked amazingly different.
In a magazine an article showed a technique called "the aura technique" where the thread was dubbed and looped. A second and lighter dubbing material was added in the loop. That looked interesting too and when I read an article about mysis and studied some by myself I tied The Junior Mysis. The result was maybe more a shrimp than a mysis imitation.
So the inspiration to this pattern came from many places, and to claim that it was purely my idea might be overdoing it.

Seduced by the Junior Mysis

Resting mysis

This sea trout...

I do not remember what I first called it. On a trip to Bornholm, where it (I) took some good sea trouts, my friends called me "The Mite" which was transferred to "Junior Mite", because I am the youngest member of our Team Bornholm. From there the name went to Junior Mysis, which I think is a very appropriate name. It goes something like this:

Dubbing loop

Pernille Kjeldsen
Junior Mysis
Pattern type: 
Cold saltwater fly
Kasper Mühlbach
Tiemco 200R og Kamasan B220 size 6-8.
8/0, olive.
Lead free
Angel Hair, holograpic gold.
Mouth parts
Marabou, grizzle.
Melted nylon or FlyEyes, medium, black.
Body, rear
Rabbit dubbing, olive tan.
Squirrel dubbing, olive and SLF dubbing, white.
Rabbit dubbing, olive tan.
Skill level/difficulty: 
  1. Add weight 6-10 wraps. Secure it with some super glue
  2. Tie in 6-8 strands of angel hair as tail.
  3. On top of the tail, tie in a bunch of short marabou or use the fluffy part of a grizzle hackle - the part which is often being thrown out..
  4. Tie in a pair of eyes. Align them against each other.
  5. Dub the thread with rabbit dubbing and dub the eye base, forming a little ball.
  6. Now, wax the thread. Dub 10 cm with squirrel dubbing and make a dubbing loop. Put white SLF in the loop. Make sure to have the most at the top and less at the bottom.
  7. Spin!
  8. Turn the dubbing loop towards the eye. Stop 2-3 mm from the eye
  9. Form a nice little, but long head af rabbit dubbing.
  10. Whip finish

Watch out!


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10

Step 11


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