Even though the pattern was inspired by a technique showed to me by Davy Wotton, it's not named after him, but after my little brother David. The material is rabbit fur in tufts, tied in on top and under the hook shank.
Even though the pattern was inspired by a technique showed to me by Davy Wotton, it's not named after him, but after my little brother David.
The material is rabbit fur in tufts, tied in on top and under the hook shank. It's a very living fly because of the long, soft hairs. A bit on the heavy side, but the trout dont seem to mind. I make a dirty water variation with a few straws of flash on the side.
Hook | Size 2 or 4 Kamasan B800/820 |
Thread | Light brown |
Body | Light rabbit dubbing and fur |
Eyes | bead chain eyes |
Head | Color of thread |
- Remove most of the underfur from a small bunch of rabbit
- Save the fur for dubbing
- Tie in a the rabbit as a tail
- Dub two to three eye widths of the hook with rabbit
- Tie in a small bunch of rabbit on the top of the shank, again with underfur removed and saved
- Tie in a small bunch of rabbit under the shank
- Cover the base of the two bunches with dubbing
- Dub further two to three eye widths of the hook with rabbit
- Repeat the two bunches and dubbing two to three times
- Tie in a pair of bead chain eyes on top of the hook shank just behind the hook eye
- Cover the front part of the hook and bases of the eyes with dubbing
- Finish the fly with a small head and varnish.
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