Per Gade lives in Denmark – about 100 kilometers from the capitol Copenhagen. He has been an angler for half a century – and the last fifteen years fly fishing and fly tying have been his favorite hobbies.
Per Gade lives in Denmark – about 100 kilometers from the capitol Copenhagen. He has been an angler for half a century – and the last fifteen years fly fishing and fly tying have been his favorite hobbies.
Fishing to him represents the possibility to be close to nature, peace of mind – and an everyday adventure.
He works as a journalist in one of the most busy newsrooms in the kingdom: the everbeating heart of DR, the National Broadcasting Company in Denmark.
His favorite material when tying flies is wool from the family cats, and it seems that fish like to eat cat… The catflies have been very efficient, when Per Gade fish at the local shores for coastal seatrout.
But he also uses other materials – as shown here with The Fluff.
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Hi Jeen. I am please
Hi Jeen. I am pleased to hear, that you have had good results with the Fluff, which is also a very efficient fly for seatrout.
The blend of dubbing is very simple: I use four kinds of the material "STF" - Synthetic Translucent Fibre. The colors are Tan, Light Olive, Gray Olive and Olive - only half amount of Olive, because it will dominate, if you use too much.
Then I add a little sparkle - for instance gold and green (only a tiny bit), and I blend the dubbing with my fingers. And done..!
Kind regards Per
Hello, I have fished
Hello, I have fished for perch with your Fluff flies last season, with great results. But this year I go to the seashore for the holidays and would like to have a go at some sea fish. You wrote about a dubbing mix for your fluff flies. Can you give me a recepie on how to blend it,
With kind regards Jeen Schippers The Netherlands