Published Sep 18. 2011 - 13 years ago
Updated or edited Nov 29. 2020

Bob (Robert) Frandsen

Robert Frandsen Bob's Streamers #221 Silver & Orange MKZ - Robert Frandsen #242 Red Ned - Robert Frandsen #263 Pirate - Robert Frandsen and Peter...

Robert Frandsen
Robert Frandsen

Bob's Streamers
#30 Parmachene Beau (Variant) - Robert Frandsen
#1 Black Ghost - Bob Frandsen
#32 Grey Ghost - Bob Frandsen
#84 Parmachene Belle (Variant) - Robert Frandsen
#107 Black and Blue - Robert Frandsen
#164 Bogong Beauty - Robert Frandsen
#221 Silver & Orange MKZ - Robert Frandsen #221 Silver & Orange MKZ - Robert Frandsen
#242 Red Ned - Robert Frandsen #242 Red Ned - Robert Frandsen
#263 Pirate - Robert Frandsen and Peter Simonson #263 Pirate - Robert Frandsen and Peter Simonson
#304 Cupsuptic - Robert Frandsen #304 Cupsuptic - Robert Frandsen
#355 Silver doctor - Robert Frandsen #355 Silver doctor - Robert Frandsen
#360 Dot Edson - Robert Frandsen #360 Dot Edson - Robert Frandsen
#30-2013 Family Secret Hairwing - Robert Frandsen #30-2013 Family Secret Hairwing - Robert Frandsen
#39-2013 Shushan Postmaster Bucktail - Robert Frandsen #39-2013 Shushan Postmaster Bucktail - Robert Frandsen
#47-2013 Brown Buffum Hairwing - Robert Frandsen #47-2013 Brown Buffum Hairwing - Robert Frandsen
#49-2013 Iris #1 - Bob Petti & Robert Frandsen #49-2013 Iris #1 - Bob Petti & Robert Frandsen
#53-2013 - Kennebago Bucktail by Robert Frandsen #53-2013 - Kennebago Bucktail by Robert Frandsen
#58-2013 Dwarf Sucker - Robert Frandsen #58-2013 Dwarf Sucker - Robert Frandsen
#68-2013 - Scaled Shiner Hairwing by Robert Frandsen #68-2013 - Scaled Shiner Hairwing by Robert Frandsen
#82-2013 - Doctor Oatman Hairwing by Robert Frandsen #82-2013 - Doctor Oatman Hairwing by Robert Frandsen
#87-2013 Dr. Burke Hairwing - Robert Frandsen #87-2013 Dr. Burke Hairwing - Robert Frandsen
#93-2013 - Royal Coachman Hairwing by Robert Frandsen #93-2013 - Royal Coachman Hairwing by Robert Frandsen
#96-2013 - The Sweep Hairwing by Robert Frandsen #96-2013 - The Sweep Hairwing by Robert Frandsen
Bob's Biography

I started fishing at a pretty early age going as a hanger on with my grandfather in my pre- school years. I began tying flies at 13 under the guidance of Lance Wedlick who was well known in Australia more as writer. However he had me tying commercially before I left school. Since then I have been tying commercially on and off over the years. In between times I tied for fun and for my own use. I got the Classic Salmon fly bug properly about 8 years ago and between then and now discovered Carrie Stevens beauties which stirred my interest in streamers. Since discovering the classics I`ve won a few awards in tying competitions, mainly with Mustad, but also a few others such as the Spey Clave. I`ve also written a recently published book "The Blacker Compendium" with the help of Dale Darling at Riverfork Press which was a great experience in itself. Basically fly tying has been a big part of my life since almost the beginning.

Cheers Bob F

Check out Robert's site and his other works from the vise.

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