Another of the classic salmon flies to the iconic Swedish river Mörrum, which is known for its large salmon and sea run brown trout and beautiful surroundings. The river has a faint brownish color from its flow through the Swedish forests, because of that orange and red colors often work really well. This salmon fly is originally tied by the local salmon fisherman and fly tyer Patrik Putte Eriksson and goes by the name Bageren (the baker) or Black and Nasty Orange. The fly was invented for early spring fishing when the water is cold – but it can also be very effective in smaller sizes for autumn salmon and sea run brown trout, which are provoked by the orange colors of the fly. In this video we have the skilled Erik Hellquist from the local Fiskeshopen behind the vise to demonstrate the tying of this "must-have-in-the-box" pattern.
Tube: Clear 1,85 mm
Thread: Black 14/0
Weight: 10 mm US Tube
Butt: Red 3,0 mm outer tube
Body: Holographic tinsel, gold medium
Hackle: Orange cock hackle behind the wing and a black schlappen feather in front of the wing
Wing: Hot orange and Nasty orange fox
Flash: Angel Hair copper, Crystal Flash pearl, and gold Gliss’n Glow
Cheeks: Jungle cock
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