Banana Lookalike
The famous river in southern Sweden – the beautiful river Mörrum – is known all around the world for its mighty salmon and sea trout. Big monsters has been caught and even bigger have won the battle against the fisherman. The modern style of tubeflies has been developed at the banks of the river, and in this video we will have a look oat one of the most popular patterns. Swedish flytyer and flyfisher Gunnar Nilsson is the man behind the fly in this video and as he says “as long as the sun is shining it should always be yellow. If you bring a yellow fly for your salmon fishing in Mörrum, you’ll be all right”. This is Gunnar’s default phrase when it comes to choosing salmon flies. This yellow Banana Lookalike has produced a lot of great salmon for Gunnar throughout the years. He ties it in two sizes with 6- and 16-mm US Tubes as weight. We have had Stefan Enevoldsen from Fiskeshopen in Mörrum, behind the vise to demonstrate the tying of this effective pattern, and remember Stefans words when it comes to salmon flies: “It is all about the taper”.
Banana Lookalike:
Tube: Clear 1,85 mm
Thread: Black 14/0
Weight: Gold 16 mm US Tube
Butt: 5 mm of fluo. red outer tube
Hackle: Sunburst
Wing: Yellow foxtail
Flash: Gold Crystal Flash
Cheeks: Jungle cock
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