As the temperatures warm up in the summer months, it means one thing .... Chubby Chernobyls. I have two boxes of these super effective fly patterns, one that contains larger hooks from 2-6 for my trips to Idaho and the other with 6-12 for fishing the high mountain lakes here in Utah. Colors and pattern variations change slightly, but the same remains that it straight up catches fish.
Representing an adult stonefly and several terrestrials, I love fishing them primarily because it means top water bites. But don't fish it solo, tie your favorite midge nymph or pheasant tail as a dropper and use the Chernobyl as an indicator. When it dips, you set. Its a super durable fly and should last many many fish.
Tie some up and fish them. Thanks for watching.
The Recipe:
Hook: Umpqua U- Series Dry Fly Hook…
Thread: Uni Thread 135 Denier White…
Flash: Troutsmen Monoflash…
Foam: Rivers Wild Fly Foam Tan…
Dubbing: Ice Dub Golden Brown…
Legs: Barred Round Rubber Medium Brown/Gold…
Wing: Z-lon White…
Cement: Loon Flow…
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