Published Jun 14. 2023 - 1 year ago
Updated or edited Jun 22. 2023

Joint Pop Up Prawn

A rather untraditional shrimp pattern with an articulated body.

The movement of the fly in the water is a key point for both the flytyer and flyfisher. A lot of solutions have been tried and a lot have failed. In this video we have had the skilled and experimental flyfisher and tyer Rasmus Pabst Ovesen behind the vise to demonstrate his bid on a rather untraditional shrimp pattern.

It is a joint pattern - tied on both a hook and a short weighted shank, but for extra movement the hook is mounted with a foam-sheet and both rubberlegs, cdc-feathers and the extremely living spey hackles. This gives the fly a lot of movement, while the weighted shank makes the fly sink and both stand and move perfectly while fishing. Rasmus has fished this pattern both in his home waters along the Scandinavian coastline for sea-run browns as well as the trophics for bonefish, triggerfish and permits - and with great succes everywhere.

Hook: Ahrex SA280 Minnow # 8
Thread: White Veevus
Tail: Tan Craft Fur, Bonefish Tan Krystal Flash, Centipede Legs White/Brown and Shrimp CDC feather
Body: Spawn Simi Seal, Ghost Shrimp
Hackle: Grizzly Spey, Salmon
Back: Pro Sportsfisher Shrimpshell Gen2 Clear glued on 2 mm Shrimp Shell foam
Front: Spawn Super Shank 12 mm
Weight: Presentation Lead Eyes X-SM, Black
Body: Spawn Simi Seal, Ghost Shrimp
Hackle: Grizzly Spey, Salmon

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Martin Joergensen

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