Some people love it - and some people hate it… but we all agree on the effective shrimpfly - the Pattegris - is a real must-have in the fly-box. In this video we have teamed up with Jesper Lindquist Andersen who will guide through the tying of proberbly one of the most used coastal-shrimp patterns for chasing sea-run browns in scandinaviahe in its iconic salmon or fluo shell pink color. The use of the extreme long and thin hackles of Whiting Spey Feathers is the key-ingredient of this fly - and super lively in the water.
It is not only the trouts around the scandinavian coasts that has been fooled by this fly - salmon and steelheads in rivers as well as bonefish and even tarpon have been caught on this higly effective type of fly, so give it a try on your local waters.
There is actually two danish coastal flyfisher and flytyers behind the fly. The well-known Pattegris is created by famous danish fly-tyer and flyfisher Claus Eriksen in the salmon-color and have caught hundreds yet hundreds of sea-run brown trouts on this fly, but the first version of the fly was a more neutral grey version calles Oelands Shrimp by another skilled danish flytyer and flyfisher Morten Øland.
Hook: Ahrex NS122 Light Stinger
Thread: Fl. Shell Pink UTC
Weight: Lead-free wire
Tail: Grey Mallard Flank, Whiting Salmon Spey + Pink Supreme Hair
Rib: Nylon
Eyes: Easy Shrimp Eyes Black
Body: SLF Saltwater Salmon Pink
Hackle: Whiting Spey Salmon
Back: Sculpin Flash Fibre, Light Pink coated with Hard Head
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