The Suckling Bear - Patte-Bjørnen- A mix up of two classic sea trout patterns.
This time I tied a fly that my Swedish friend Johnny Nilsson (aka. Pumaluma66) inspired me to. It’s his favorite fly and a mash up by the Vaskebjørn (Raccoon) and the danish pattern Pattegrisen (Suckling Pig or The Pink Pig). Looking forward to try it out asap.
Tight lines, Christian Krogh
Ahrex traditional shrimp hook size 6
Veevus white gap thread and nylon rib
Flashabou glow in the dark pearl orange
Large bead eyes
Whiting gray spey
Spawn semi seal uv steel torch
Smolt belly semi seal dub
Prosportfisher chartreuse shrimp shell size small
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