Published Nov 30. 2018 - 5 years ago

Zug Bug

This nymph was originally tyed by Cliff Zug in the 1930s and is still very popular with many anglers today..

Materials Used;
Hook, Fulling Mill All-Purpose Medium size 14
Thread, Uni-8/0 Black
Tail, Peacock Sword
Rib, Oval Silver Tinsel
Body. Peacock Herl
Hackle, Furnace Hen
Thorax Cover Mallard Flank dyed Lemon Duck...

Martin Joergensen


Zug Bug Memories...

Thanks, Davie, for revisiting this old classic. The first fly I ever cast some 60 years ago was a Zug Bug and while I was struggling to learn to fish and tie flies the Zug Bug and Hornberg were the only flies in my humble box. I will always have a special place in my heart for those classic flies.


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