A treatise on small fish and small waters; an eclectic collection of classic fly pattern variations; a survey of some of the better literature on the art and sport of fly fishing; a portrait of the angler as a young man... All of these descriptions apply to "Small Fry: The Lure of the Little" brought to you by ron P. swegman.

Catch BIGGER Fish . . .
Like you, I have lost count of the times I have read this alluring phrase in fishing magazines, catalogues, and advertisements, although I can count the number of BIGGER fish I have actually caught. These trophies, tallied up, leave my left hand free to hold my fly rod.
Yes, I have always delighted in the adrenaline rush of the sudden, athletic grab, the awesome sight of the huge silhouette, leading a taut line, making a great wake across a pool, the large amount of pride felt in being able to happily release a giant back to its water; I cannot dispute that. What I am willing and ready to debate is the sport’s obsession with sheer, or may I submit mere, size. The personal highs of my own fly fishing life, the moments I am most compelled to tell, have always involved a little finesse and, ultimately, MORE fish. These angling game highlights have occurred almost exclusively along small streams, glacial lakes, or farm ponds where the fish have been sized to scale. This little book celebrates these waters and these fish, and I hope these lines will help you, the reader --
Catch MORE Fish . . .
-- ron P. swegman

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great story as usual
great story as usual. keep up the writings, I love to read them