Sea run brown trout can be fished in the Baltic during the summer too. Daytime fishing is possible, but evenings, nights and mornings excel.
Summer on the Danish coast - June, July, August
Hard fishing at night
Summer is for harder fishing. Late evenings and nights when the water cools off are best. Fish don't migrate any more, but often stay in small areas. You have to fish at these places which typically have deep water close to the shore and a lot of circulation. In the high summer in years when water temperatures are extremely high, the fish won't even come close enough to the shore to reach wading.
Fish can be very active in the surface and muddlers are an old time favorite, but other bushy, highly profiled flies will do. For the darkest night a bit of flash can make many patterns more efficient.
Water movement is the key
Water movement is the key. In the summer coastal points and reefs below the surface are the places to seek. Fish in the 'back water' meaning behind the reef that you'll often see below points on the shore. If the current goes right, fish on the right side and vice versa.
Fish are more shy than in the spring. They will nibble the flies and follow without taking. They offer excellent sport, and drilling a large trout in the dark night can really get your heart pounding. Summer is the skilled and patient fisherman's season.
I once wrote a small story for FLYFISH@ from a summer night.
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