Fishing for sea run brown trout in the Baltic during the cold months
Winter on the Danish coast - December, January, February

Don't expect too many fish in weather like this. Both water and air is much too cold to host productive fishing.
Salt tolerance
In the real cold winter, the trout has to seek freshwater because it can't tolerate salt due to difficulties with osmotic regulation. Hence the fish are found in streams, estuaries and brackish fjords. For the salt water fisher, the fjords and shallow waters can offer good fishing in the winter.
Slow fish
The fish don't eat much and move very slowly, but even with ice on the shore, the fish often go for flashy, happy-colored (red/orange/purple), deeply fished, slowly retrieved flies. This is the time of year to use a sink tip or sinking line. The fishing is best on mild and sunny days in shallow water over dark bottom.
If you have access to a stream you will often be able to experience good early season fishing in the estuary where young and non spawning fish will searh for food. In Denmark we call these fish 'Greenlanders'.
No-fishing, protected zones
Please note that fishing in front of estuaries is illegal in Denmark. In the winter this applies to all streams, but in the summer only to the largest streams. If you are in doubt keep more than 500 meters (1500') away from any stream. Outside that range fishing is normally allowed.
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