I give a step by step instruction on tying my Mic Drop, which is a mutli-articulated streamer featuring a Magic Head paddle tail for targeting species such as Brown Trout and Smallmouth Bass. The fly is ideal for wade fisherman and excels in high/dirty water conditions both with swing and active presentations. The fly is designed to be worked with a floating line set up, recommended 7 wt and up, though a 6 wt can handle it, just watch your tip!
For fly order, head to my website at http://www.streamersbygunnar.com
Material List:
Rear Hook: Ahrex, #4 Light Stinger
Tail Flash: Ripple Ice Fiber
Wing: Marabou
Wing: Marbou
Head: Mark Petitjean Magic Head, size 3
Shank: 20 mm FlymenFishingCo Fishspine
Body: Ice Dub
Shank: 20mm FlymenFishingCo Articulated Shank
Body: UV Polar Chenille
Collar: Chinese Saddle Hackle/Schlappen
Connection: 49 strand, 0.024" Beadalon Nylon Coated Stainless Steel with 1 3D bead - approx. 6mm dia.
Front Hook: Ahrex 1/0 Trout Predator
Weight: Sz. Large, Tungsten Cone Head
Body: V Stacked Ripple Ice Fiber
Collar: 3" EP Foxy Brush
Wing: Arctic Fox Tail Hair
Pec Fins: Hen Grizzly Saddle
Head: Laser Dub
Eyes: 5/16" or 8mm Hedron Flashabou Mirage Dome Eyes
Head: Deer Creek UV Diamond Fine Flex
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