Videos by Michael Jensen
View as paged thumbs
- 11 Streamer flies - swimming under water
- 12 iconic saltwater flies - real swimming action
- 6 Soft Hackle Tube Flies - real under water swimming action
- 7 predator flies - underwater special
- A Dozen Mini jigs and Dog Nobblers - under water special
- ABU Optic Chillimps
- Amber Fish Skull Bucktail
- Bacon Snack
- Barred Blue Zonker
- Bill Edson's Dark Tiger
- Bill Edson's Light Tiger
- Black Bear Red Butt
- Black Squirrel Flashback Nymph
- Black Widow Muddler
- Black Zulu
- Black and Peacock Spider
- Bloodworm Larva
- Blue Dun Soft Hackle
- Blue Zulu
- Blue Zulu Spey
- Boss
- Bucktail - turning to the dark side
- Bumblebee Woolhead Sculpin
- Burnt Orange Booby Fly
- Caramel Tiger Dog Nobbler
- Casual Dress
- Chartreuse Sneaker
- Craig's Nighttime
- Damselfly Booby
- Damselfly Dog Nobbler
- Dan Bailey's White Marabou Muddler
- Deer Hair Hackle Dry Fly
- Deerhair Dun
- Easter Bunny Zonker
- Egg Sucking Leech
- Fat Bugger (Black'n'silver)
- Franks Sawyers 5 Nymphs - up close and original
- Fur and hair from skin patches
- Fuzzy Bugger
- George F. Grant's Black & Tan Featherback
- Girdle Bug
- Gold Cayenne Pepper Sculpin
- Golddigger
- Green Emerger
- Green Frog Popper
- Grey Squirrel Sculpin
- How to make and paint heads for Dog Nobblers
- Hugh
- Hugh Falkus' Medicine
- Lefty's Deceiver
- Loopy Leech
- Maroon'n'black Wool Leech
- Mic's Woolhead Sculpin
- Mic's Woolly Baitfish
- Midnight Purple Dog Nobbler
- Montana Nymph
- Natural Beauty
- Nightwatchman
- Nightwatchman v2
- Olive Brown Scud
- Olive Hot Spot Booby
- Orange Flash Chenille Booby
- Orange Hot Tail Bunny
- Orange Jelly Roe
- Ovidiu Skeleton Diver
- P & S Shrimp
- P&S Shrimp v2
- Pattegrisen (the Pink Pig)
- Peacock Flymph
- Pink Dog Nobbler
- Polar Shrimp
- QuickGuide - Pro Flexitube System
- Rattle Zonker
- Red Squirrel Nymph
- Red Tag
- Richard Walker's Chomper
- Shades of Green
- Skykomish Sunrise
- Soft Hackle Craw - Jig/Fly tying
- Soldier Palmer
- Sparkle Corixa
- Sparkle Fox
- Spy System
- Streamer flies - real underwater footage
- Streamtease
- Strip Tiger
- Sunburst Dog Nobbler
- Sunburst Pike Slider
- The Golden Comet
- The Woolly Worm
- The river, the inspiration and the streamer fly
- The story of Woolly Sparkle Dub
- Two-tone Amber Shiner
- Two-tone Olive Bucktail Shrimp
- White & Chartreuse Bunny
- Woolhead Sculpin V2
- Woolly Bugger
- Yellow Monster Bugger