This month 15 years ago

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May 27. 2009
Ok, now I'm excited....
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May 27. 2009
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May 27. 2009
The crowd watches on with anticipation
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May 27. 2009
A Rainbow ready for release amongst the willow roots.
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May 26. 2009
Big Carp
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May 26. 2009
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May 26. 2009
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May 22. 2009
Chub. Virvyte river in Lithuania.
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May 21. 2009
Vosseler on the wood
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May 21. 2009
Silent Life
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May 21. 2009
Near Ystad
May 16. 2009
The White is a stable pattern in originator Rasmus Hansen's coastal sea trout flybox, He uses it as a provocation (read: attractor) or as a shrimp imitation, and prefers it for turbulent water and autumn fishing. The fly is simple, one color only, and one of these universal flies that can catch anything.
