Videos by Fly Anorak
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- Adams Dry Fly - Original Halladay Version
- Black Gnat (midge soft hackle)
- Clyde Style: Webster and Reid - Upright winged Wets
- Concher
- Crow Fly - Smoky Mountain Blackbird
- Cutcliffe #I
- Cutcliffe #II
- Cutcliffe #X
- Cutcliffe 3a
- Cutcliffe III
- Cutcliffe's Stretcher Flies - Red and Brown
- Delaware Adams
- Diablo Rojo
- Favorite of Carrère
- Governor
- Greenwell’s Glory
- Hackle Wings
- Hardy’s Favorite - Variation - Wet Fly
- Hare Flax Dubbing - Cutcliffe’s Method
- Hare’s Lug and Plover
- Incomparable
- Keeper Kebari
- Killer Bugger
- Killer Kebari
- La Loue - Rose Champagne Fly
- Leisenring Iron Blue Wingless
- Leisenring Pale Watery Dun Wingless
- Leisenring’s Blue Dun Hackle
- Leisenring’s Brown or Red Hackle Wet Fly
- Leisenring’s Coachman Wet Fly
- Leisenring’s Grey Hackle Wet Fly
- Leisenring’s Hare’s Ear
- Leisenring’s Iron Blue Nymph
- Leisenring’s Light Snipe and Yellow
- Leisenring’s Pale Watery Dun Wingless
- Leisenring’s Tups Nymph
- Light Cahill Wet Fly
- M&M
- March Brown Male UK (Bergman)
- McGinty Fly
- Minimal Dace
- Old Blue Dun
- Orange Quill
- Peute Wet Fly
- Plover Spider
- Plumeaux Fly - Feather Duster
- Poil de Lièvre - Ragot family
- Rooster Hackle - Then and Now - Colors
- Roxey’s Fox Squirrel Streamer - Roxey Roach
- Ruz-Du
- Smoky Mountain Forktail
- Splitsville Caddis/Foam Front End Loader
- Waterhen Bloa
- Wilson’s Trout Fly
- Winter Brown - Reverse Hackle - Sakasa