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Date Title Body Image

Grizzly Streamers

GFF co-webmaster Bob Petti coordinated an effort to share Grizzly Streamer Patterns by members of the Streamer List.

Bamboo part 3

This is the third section of Harry Boyd's continuing bamboo rod course. Here we begin to mold the raw bamboo into something that approaches the shape and form of a fly rod, and the real fun begins. Read more in Part 3 - Staggering Nodes and Rough Planing.

Small and large flies for sea trout

I highly recommend using small flies for fall fishing for sea trout and rainbows in salt water. The fish have been feeding all summer and can be picky and veeery slow and reluctant to take any fly offered to them.

Bamboo part 2

Harry Boyd continues his series on the construction of bamboo fly rods with a look at selecting, preparing, and splitting your culms of tonkin bamboo.

Jim Warner flies

Guest writers Mike Martinek and Chris DelPlato have teamed up to write, the Jim Warner - A New England Classic which hilights the contribution of this well known New Hampshire angler to streamer anglers.

The Orvis Fly Tying Guide

"Now there are hundreds of fly-tying books in print. Why do we need another one? This is the book I would have wanted when I started." - Tom Rosenbauer

Bamboo part 1

Harry Boyd tells us "Since Hiram Leonard and the earliest days of fly fishing in our country, the allure of fine spilt bamboo rods has been part of the magic of our sport." Read Harry's introduction to his series of articles on building bamboo fly rods.

DIY Rod Tubes

You have one extra rod with no sock and rod tube. You've been putting off buying a tube...why don't you just make your own?! With $4.00 and about a 1/2 hour's time, you'll have a DIY rod tube. These won't win beauty contests, but they work just as well as any retail version. Read here how to DIY.

Sirrus Co-Matrix

"While the mention of modulus does continue to pop up from time to time in advertising, most anglers, and indeed most rod and blank manufacturers, have gotten over their numbers fetish.". Read Bob Petti's review of the excellent and interesting Sirrus Co-Matrix 9' 2pc 6wt.

The Overlooked Asset

When fly fishing, your prime assets are not the hardware you are using or the new, neat casting style you learned - it is something far less physical.

10 ways

Improve your fly fishing skills with these 10 simple tips. They’re straightforward and logical, yet many anglers overlook them in their day-to-day fishing.

The Bjarke

Bjarke is a fly that I primarily designed to make use of these very webby feathers that always seem to be left over on the necks and saddles, when all the 'good' feathers are used.

The Match Shrimp

Matching the hatch is rarely the item when fishing for sea trout in the ocean. The fish are rarely selective and you're sometimes surprised by which flies they are willing to take. But on a few occasions it can be important to imitate the small animals eaten by the trout.

Midwest Hatches

Don't be fooled by the title! This hatch chart encompasses 46 different 'hatches' that are applicable to the entire US. It's ready to print out and keep by your tying desk for ready reference (Web, PDF and Excel formats). It's the most complete hatch chart on the net!

Hoppers with Foam

I'll warn you now; the hopper is my favorite pattern. It's big, I can see it, it's fun to cast and present it with a plop, I have fun tying them and the fish just adore the big, juicy, summer delight.

The killer fly

How about a fly which has caught tuna in the tropics, salmon and trout in Russia, cod in Denmark and a number og other fish in Global destinations? Claus Bech-Petersen's simple Tinsel Fly is such a fly. Read Claus' article with history, patterns and fishing methods.

Waddington shanks

Classics in a classic way. These flies may look like something of today, but the concept of Wadington shanks is old as Methusalem. Danish fly tyer Niels Have has converted four classics to effective flies for early salmon and sea trout fishing. See the pictures and patterns.

Shooting heads

In this article I will try to cover some advantages and disadvantages of the shooting head over the WF line, and I will thoroughly describe the way you can configure a good shooting head system for your rod.

The Dalby Dribbler

Dalby is a place in Western Sealand often fished by Danish coastal fisher and photographer Mark Vagn Hansen. For one of his trips here, he tied a fly using a couple of brown hackles and an orange hot spot on the back of the hook.

Mark Vagn Hansen, Denmark

Photographer Mark Vagn Hansen has contributed two patterns:

Wayne Luallen

Wayne Luallen has a wealth of fly-tying knowledge and experience for all types of flies, from the tiniest imitations to full dressed salmon flies.

Norm Crisp, AKA The Wiz, USA

Norm Crisp, by some known as the Wiz, is a reknown fly fisher in the online community - especially the mailing lists Flyfish@ (FF@) and Eur-Flyfish@, where he often participates with comments and g

Paul Slaney, Wales

Paul introduces himeslf like this:

Bob Petti, GFF partner USA

One of the GFF partners

Mark Dysinger, USA

I suppose that I'm one of the fortunate few who can honestly say that I've been fishing for as long as I can remember.

Belize it!

Read web site partner Martin Joergensen's report and see the fantastic pictures from his spring trip to Belize after bonefish, tarpon, barracuda, jacks, snappers, permit - and everything else that swims in these warm, turquoise waters.

Illustrated knot table

This article is a simple illustrated list of the most useful knots for the fly angler - or any fisherman for that matter.

The last Fly Fair?

...we hope not! Every second year in May a small Dutch town called Zwolle is invaded by hordes of fly tyers and fly fishers from the whole Globe. This year's show was as good as any - but might be the last of its kind. Read about it and see the pictures in Martin Joergensen's extensive report from

Bass Bug Fishing

This small volume is a general overview of the bass bug fly-fishing.


Want to use LeaderCalc but don't have access to MS-Excel? No problem! We at GFF recognize that many of you have been missing out on the extensive capabilities of LeaderCalc in helping you design your own tapered mono leaders.

Niels Have, Denmark

Salty pike

GFF partner Martin Joergensen has been fishing for pike in the ocean. Did you know that was possible? Yes, pike do go into the ocean - as long as it is brackish enough. And the southern coast of Sweden is.

Summer 2002

A few pictures from the fishing of GFF partner Marting Joergensen in the summer of the 2002 season

Lamiglas Perigee

In the world of fly fishing in the 21st Century, Lamiglas is making some of the best blanks available to anyone, anywhere, for any price. In this review by GFF Partner Bob Petti we look at the Perigee blank, which is only available to custom rod builders. He concludes: "People like rods made from Perigee blanks simply because they make excellent fishing rods." Read Bob's Review.

Irish pike

Dutch Ad Swier is a well known pike fisher, who amongst other things shaped one of Partridge's pike hooks. He has extensive experience with pike, and here is a story and some pictures from a trip of his to Ireland: "A one foot fly amidst the lily pads"

Spring 2002

Some pictures taken in Denmark during the early season of 2002. By GFF partner Martin Joergensen

Cluster Egg Fly

As you probably know the egg was way earlier than the chicken. This article show you how to make The Cluster Egg Fly (pom-pom eggs) - a very popular type of fly for steelhead and salmon.

Fly gallery 2002

Just some flies that passed by the table and lens of GFF partner Martin Joergensen. No strings attached, no patterns, just nice to look at.

Pike fishing

My good friend Asger invited me to go pike fishing on his favorite lake. I accepted, naturally. The days before had been rough and cold, but we were lucky enough to choose the one single day that brought some mild weather and a calm evening and night.

IFTS 2001

How to go from Europe, Colorado and Endicott, NY to a fly show in New Jersey for 2½ days and still feel that it has been worth all the trouble. Read the Global FlyFisher partners' story from The International Fly Tiers Show in New Jersey November 2001.

The Cowboy Way

"Them Department of Evironment bears don't eat no cows!" was the curt answer of Dave, our outfitter, to my question on the wisdom of cattle grazing 7500 feet up in Wyoming's Beartooth Mountains. Read Eric Arbogast and Jean-Marc Klees' fascinating story about Trouting the Cowboy Way.

Our link policy

We don't do reciprocal SEO links. This is not meant to deliver a snobbish attitude towards fellow publishers who are as proud of their work as we are. We just prefer providing good, original content rather than linking back and forth.

Copyright policy

This site consists entirely of copyrighted work and is published for personal use and enjoyment. From time-to-time we notice work from this site used in unauthorized manners.

Permission to copy

We often receive mails asking permission to use material from this web site. We are genuinely thrilled that visitors like you think so highly of our material that you wish to use it elsewhere. Since, however, contributions come from a network of staff editors, we are obligated to keep a watchful eye on the material found on this site.

Merrimack River

During my self-introduction to flyrodding the salt, I went elsewhere. When I did, I looked to one place. The Merrimack River was that place. For me, that river has produced more decent fish and more exceptional fishing memories than most places on the east coast.

Hello Austria!

Austria is much more than skiing and climbing The Alps. The fishing in the clear streams and beautiful mountain lakes is far better than Martin Joergensen expected. Read about his fantastic trip, the clear, fast water, beautiful strong rainbows and delicate seiblings.

On bite tippets for pike flies

Stiff piano wire has definite advantages over other sorts of pike shock and bite tippets.

Blend your own dubbing

Almost everyone has the right stuff at their tying bench to make a great batch of dubbing. But not many people know they have everything they need to make an outstanding seal's fur dubbing substitute. This dubbing is a viable replacement for SLF, angora goat and seal's fur, and the trick to making it is so simple it will amaze you!

Distant Waters - The Greatest Fly-fishing Worldwide

R.Valentine Atkinson (ed. and photos) Distant Waters - The Greatest Fly-fishing Worldwide Published by Mitchell Beazley, Great Britain, 1997

Muddler mania

It should be no secret that I'm a great fan of muddlers. These functional, characteristic and very beautiful flies that I connect directly with my favorite kind of fishing: night fishing for sea trout in the ocean. The technique used for tying them has always fascinated me, and although I do tie a lot of them, I still have a lot to learn in respect to spinning deer hair.

Since you got this far …

The GFF money box

… I have a small favor to ask.

Long story short

Support the Global FlyFisher through several different channels, including PayPal.

Long story longer

The Global FlyFisher has been online since the mid-90's and has been free to access for everybody since day one – and will stay free for as long as I run it.
But that doesn't mean that it's free to run.
It costs money to drive a large site like this.
See more details about what you can do to help in this blog post.

The Global FlyFisher was updated to a new publishing system early March 2025, and there may still be a few glitches while the last bits get fixed. If you meet anything that doesn't work, please let me know.
Martin -