Videos by Tim Cammisa
View as paged thumbs
- 3 Lessons Learned in Competitive Fly Fishing
- 5 Things You need for Fly Tying
- 5 Things you don't need for fly fishing!
- 5 things you don't need in fly tying!
- Adams Dry Fly: Catskill-style
- Adams Parachute Dry Fly (Hi-Vis)
- Beach Body Stone
- Bead Head Crystal Soft Hackle
- Benevolent Dictator
- Best Summer Dry Flies
- Biot Body CDC Dry Fly
- Biot Body Sulfur Parachute Dry Fly
- Biot Stonefly Nymph
- Black Bunny Leech
- Black Bunny Leech w/Fish Skull
- Black Ghost Streamer
- Black Woolly Bugger (w/variations)
- Bloody Mary Nymph Pattern
- Blue-Winged Olive (BWO) Parachute
- Blue-Winged Olive Comparadun (BWO with Snowshoe Rabbit Feet)
- Brook Trout Fly Fishing
- Bullethead Caddisfly
- Buying Dry Fly Materials
- CDC Caddis Pupa
- CDC Flying Ant
- CDC Parachute Flies
- Caddis Larva Bead Head
- Cahill Frenchie Jig Nymph
- Cammisa's CDC Green Caddis
- Cammisa's Cinnamon Bite
- Cammisa's Sneak Attack
- Cammisa's Stealth Mode jig nymph
- Catch More Fish with these Pro Tips!
- Charlie Boy Hopper
- Charlie Craven's Two Bit Hooker nymph
- Chili Pepper streamer
- Choose the Best Strike Catch More Fish
- Chuck Furimsky's "Chuck Nymph"
- Chuck Furimsky's Turbo Tail
- Clouser Deep Minnow
- Clown Shoe Caddis
- Comparadun Deer Hair Wings
- Compton's Cinnamon Toast Baetis
- Copper John Variant
- Copper John bead head nymph
- Craig Mathews' X-Caddis
- CrawBody Crayfish
- Crazy Charlie bonefish pattern
- Cress Bug Jig Head
- Crystal Conehead Woolly Bugger
- Czech-style Hare's Ear
- DIY Fly Boxes
- Dark Bloa (North Country Winged Fly)
- DeFrank's Grim Reaper Variant
- Debarbing Hooks
- Deer Hair Ant
- Diamond Caddis
- Differences Between Saddle Hackle and Capes
- Double Duck Caddis
- Doug Swisher's Madam X (Color: Royal)
- Dropper Flies: Part 1
- Dropper Flies: Part 2
- Dry Fly Floatants
- Dry-Dropper Fly Fishing was Hard, then I learned these Secrets!
- E.P.'s Articulated Streamer
- E/C Caddis (Emergent / Cripple)
- Easy Pheasant Tail Nymph
- Edison Fly Fishing Show 2020
- Eggstasy Egg
- Euro Nymphing is for CHEATERS!
- Euro Nymphing: Detect More Strikes
- Extended Mayfly Body
- Extreme Stickleback
- Favorite Bead Colors for Euro Nymphs
- Film Critic Emerger
- Finishing Techniques for Fly Tying
- Fish of a lifetime! What's yours?!?
- Fishing Large Dry Flies
- Five Fly Fishing Things You Need!
- Five more things you don't need in fly tying!
- Five things I hate about Fly Fishing
- Flashback Pheasant Tail Fly
- Flies: To tie or to buy?
- Fly Design & Sink Rate
- Fly Fishing Tips for Beginners
- Fly Fishing in the Fall was Tough. Then I learned these Secrets
- Fly Fishing tips...for Iceland (and more!)
- Fly Tier's Reunion
- Fly Tier's Reunion 2018
- Fly Tying Gadgets: Coffee Bean Grinder
- Fly Tying Gadgets: Magnetic Bingo Wand
- Fly Tying Gadgets: Organizer bins
- Fly Tying Gadgets: Razor Blades
- Fly Tying Organization
- Fly Tying Scissors
- Fly Tying Techniques for Tying with Beads
- Fly Tying Tips for a Clean Hook Eye!
- Fly Tying Variations
- Fly Tying Videos. Which camera should I buy?
- Fly Tying can be Tough
- Fly Tying for Everyone
- Foam Beetle
- Foam Wing Midge
- Free Fly Tying Giveaway!
- Frenchie Nymph
- Furimsky's Bugskin Shinetail
- Furimsky's Bugskin Wiggler
- Furry Foam Crayfish
- GHOSTech Strike Indicators
- Generic Jig Nymph
- George Daniel's Czech Catnip
- Ginger Snap (Czech nymph)
- Griffith's Gnat: Original, high-visibility, and variations
- Guide Flies with Guest Landon Mayer
- Guide's Choice Hare's Ear Variant
- Gurgler
- Head Cements for Fly Tying
- Hen Hackle: Tips & Techniques
- Hendrickson Dry Fly
- Hi-Vis Foam Ant
- Holy Grail Nymph
- Hot Belly Pheasant Tail
- Hot Spot Spider (soft hackle)
- Hot Spot Stone
- Hot Wire Prince Nymph
- Hungarian Partridge Feathers
- I caught 100 trout in 1 day...and you can too!
- Ian's Brass Ass nymph
- Iced Cased Caddis
- Iceland 2020: You're Invited!
- Improved Pheasant Tail nymph
- International Fly Tying Symposium 2018
- International Fly Tying Symposium 2019!
- International Fly Tying Symposium 2021!
- Intruder Steelhead Fly
- Irresistible (Part 1 of 2)
- Irresistible Dry Fly
- Is Fly Tying Worth it?
- Jake's Improved Zebra Midge
- Jassid
- Joe Messinger Q & A: Fly Tying (Part 2 of 2)
- John Anderson's Bird of Prey caddis
- John Barr's BWO Flashback Emerger
- John Barr's Meat Whistle
- Josh's White Lightning
- Just Buy ONE pair of Fishing Waders!
- Krazy Carper Carp Fly
- LW's Sulphur F-Plus
- Lead Wire Tips & Techniques
- Letort Hopper
- Light Cahill Dry Fly
- Lightning Bug (new and improved!)
- Lightning Bug Bead Head Nymph
- Live the Stream: The Story of Joe Humphreys
- MS Bugger
- MUST-HAVE Fly Tying Materials!
- Maintaining Fly Lines
- Mayer's Mini Jig Leech, Fly Fishing Journeys podcast, and Wyoming Fly Fishing!
- Mayer's Mini Leech
- McTage's Trouser Worm
- Medusa's Halloween Streamer
- Mega Prince Nymph
- Mercury Cased Caddis
- Micro Mop Fly
- Mike Mercer's Psycho Prince Bead Head Nymph
- Montana's Hybrid Carp Fly
- Mop Fly
- My Favorite Vest
- Napoleon's Dynamite nymph
- Norvise Review
- Olive Scud Nymph
- Online Fly Tying Resources
- Open Wound Jig Nymph
- Organizing Dubbing
- Orvis Blackout Euro Nynmphig Fly Rod
- Parachute Dry Fly Techniques
- Parachute Hare's Ear
- Parachute Tools Overview
- Parasol Post Technique
- Partridge and Orange Soft Hackle
- Perdigon Nymph
- Pheasant Tail (Two Minute Tying)
- Pheasant Tail Nymph
- Pineapple Express Bead Head (w/hot spot)
- Pliva Shuttlecock
- Prince Nymph
- Prince Nymph - European Nymphing Jig Hook
- Project Healing Waters Collection 2018
- Project Healing Waters: 2015 Results
- Project Healing Waters: Update March 2014
- Purchasing Mayfly Nymphs Materials (Part 1)
- Purchasing Mayfly Nymphs Materials (Part 2)
- Purple Soft Hackle
- Q&A on Fly Fishing and Fly Tying #3
- Q&A on Fly Fishing and Fly Tying #4
- Q&A on fly fishing and fly tying #1
- Q&A on fly fishing and fly tying #2
- Quill Wing Dry Fly
- Rainbow Warrior
- Review of "Live the Stream"
- Rosenbauer's Rabbit's Foot Emerger
- Rusty Spinner (Hi-visibility)
- Schlappen Woolly Bugger
- Sculpin Bugger
- Sculpzilla Sculpin
- Selecting Materials for Dry Fly Bodies
- Selecting Saddle Hackle
- Shakey Beeley Slate Drake (Isonychia) Soft Hackle
- Showcasing Peacock Dubbing
- Simi Seal Leech
- Skinny Nelson and variations
- Sluiceway Special
- Social Media and Fly Tying: Part One
- Social Media and Fly Tying: Part Two
- Soft Hackle Hare's Ear (bead head)
- Soft Hackle Hares Ear
- Soft Hackle Pheasant Tail
- Soft Hackle Pheasant Tail Variations
- Solarez Ultra Thin Bone Dry UV Resin
- Sparkle Emerger Variant
- Splitsville Caddis
- Squimp
- Squirmy Wormy
- Stages of Fly Tying... which are you in?
- Steeler Bugger
- Sterling Jig Nymph
- Stimulator Dry Fly
- Stonfo Airone Travel Vise
- Stonfo Elite Bobbin Review
- Stonfo Elite Vise Review
- Stonfo Kaiman Vise Review
- Stonfo Transformer Vise
- Stonfo Travel Tool Set
- Storing the Fly When Changing Spots
- Stream Sample with Entomologist Matt Green (Part 1 of 2)
- Stream Sample with Entomologist Matt Green (Part 2 of 2)
- Sucker Spawn
- Sulfur (Sulphur) Parachute Emerger
- Sulfur parachute fly
- Sulfur/PMD Sparkle Dun
- Sulphur Comparadun
- Sulphur Soft Hackle Emerger
- Sulphur Spinner
- Sulphur Thorax Burnt Wing Style
- Sweet 16
- Swimming Crane Fly Larva
- TC's Black Stonefly
- TC's Caddis Pupa
- Taking a toddler fishing in a pack!
- Tan Adams Parachute Dry Fly
- Tan Caddis Dry Fly
- Techniques for Parachute Flies
- Terrestrial Spider Fly (foam)
- The Fly that killed Fly Fishing?
- The Humpy Dry Fly
- The Perfect Jig Nymph
- The Royal Trude and Variation
- The best app for trout fishing. Period.
- Three Fly Rods I Can't Live Without
- Throw Away Your Nymph Hooks Today!
- Tippet Fly Fishing TIPS with PRO Fishing Guide!
- Tips for Measuring Mayfly Tails
- Top 3 Flies for Arctic Char
- Trout Flies That Should be Banned
- Tube Flies Part 6: From Vise to Water
- Tube Flies: Part 2
- Tube Flies: Part 3
- Tube Flies: Part 4
- Tube Flies: Vise Review
- Tying Dry Fly Tails with Microfibetts
- Tying Tube Flies: Part 1
- Tying the Light Cahill with Uncle John
- Using a Nail Knot Tool
- Utah Killer Bug
- WD-40 Bead Head Midge
- WMD Hot Spot Nymph
- Wading Shoe Hacks…start wading like a pro
- Walt's Worm Blowtorch
- Walt's Worm Fly (beadhead & "hot spot")
- Which Euro Nymph Fly Rod Should I Buy?
- Which fly should I tie first?
- Which fly tying vise do I buy?
- White Wulff dry fly
- Woolly Bugger (Peacock body)
- Zebra Midge (olive)
- Zuddler Conehead Minnow