Dec 31. 2004
Happy New Year!
The GFF partners hope you will catch many a great fish in 2005!
Martin Joergensen
Dec 25. 2004
Merry Christmas!
The GFF partners wishes everyone a great Holiday
Martin Joergensen
Dec 22. 2004
Did go, was dull
Derek and I and my friend Lars did go fishing that dull day...
Martin Joergensen
Dec 13. 2004
Dull, dull, dull...
Weather acting up as always in the autumn
Martin Joergensen
Dec 10. 2004
Box of Wets
Got Wet Fly Fever
Bob Petti
Nov 23. 2004
GFF e-cards
We're setting up a long sought after service again. Try it before it opens for real.
Martin Joergensen
Nov 20. 2004
Paul's diary
Welsh Paul Morgan, owner of Coch-y-Bonddu Books, has a great online diary
Martin Joergensen
Nov 12. 2004
GFF 10 years old
GFF was kind of founded back in 1994 by two people far apart
Martin Joergensen
Oct 28. 2004
Last Trout of the Year
Maybe not, but it feels like it
Bob Petti
Oct 19. 2004
Great fish, Bob
But are you sure you don't wanna loose that hat?
Martin Joergensen
Oct 18. 2004
I fish too!
But I still have my hat
Bob Petti
Oct 10. 2004
My GFF cap gone!
I sacrificed my trusty olive GFF cap to the mighty Skeena
Martin Joergensen
Oct 3. 2004
Reel Seats
I'm a sucker for a good piece of wood
Bob Petti
Sep 21. 2004
Salmon Season
It's time
Bob Petti
Sep 14. 2004
Europe's Cutest Potbelly
I might look skinny, but...
Martin Joergensen
Sep 13. 2004
Europe's Greatest Sandwich
It might not beat Bob's but heck it's good!
Martin Joergensen
Sep 13. 2004
Fishing and not fishing
Bob Petti
Sep 13. 2004
Europe's Greatest Sandwich
Nice Sandwich Martin ...
Bob Petti
Sep 10. 2004
Hook Fetish
Are there ever enough?
Bob Petti
Sep 10. 2004
Fly Tying To-Do Lists
Does anyone else keep one?
Bob Petti
Sep 10. 2004
World's Greatest Sandwich
A Quizno's Inspired Thing of Culinary Delight
Bob Petti
Sep 1. 2004
Whirly gig
A fond memory from a trip to California
Martin Joergensen
Aug 30. 2004
Hooking yourself is part of life when you fish
Martin Joergensen
Aug 29. 2004
Summer has gone
Temperatures are dropping - in the air and in the water
Martin Joergensen
Aug 26. 2004
Chained, really
Not fishing is pure torture!
Martin Joergensen
Aug 18. 2004
An old swap sees the light of day
Bob Petti
Aug 13. 2004
Bamboo Rod Building
Sneak Peak
Bob Petti
Aug 9. 2004
The summer got hot anyway!
Martin Joergensen
Jul 13. 2004
A rainy November
We're having the worst summer in many years
Martin Joergensen
Jun 29. 2004
Esopus Creek
A little bit of Montana in New York
Bob Petti
Jun 14. 2004
Spring is Gone
Bob Petti
Jun 13. 2004
I spin fished! And caught fish!
Martin Joergensen
Jun 7. 2004
Re: Envy, envy!
Well, I do have the ocean
Martin Joergensen
Jun 3. 2004
Re: Envy, envy!
There are two closer
Bob Petti
Jun 2. 2004
Envy, envy!
I wish that I had a stream in my backyard
Martin Joergensen
Jun 1. 2004
Small Streams
Found a gem
Bob Petti
Jun 1. 2004
Oh yeah - the fish
As pretty as the stream itself
Bob Petti
May 26. 2004
Gurgler Mania
Bass love 'em
Bob Petti
May 22. 2004
Pictures in books
I want more and better pictures in books
Martin Joergensen
May 18. 2004
Never again!
The world of fishing stocked lakes
Martin Joergensen
Apr 8. 2004
Crummy Work Days and Flytying
Get Paid to tie's how I did it...
Steve Schweitzer
Apr 8. 2004
Crummy Work Days and Flytying
Get Paid to tie's how I did it...
Steve Schweitzer
Apr 2. 2004
Opening Day
A cold one
Bob Petti
Mar 30. 2004
Last Minute Panic
Every year it's the same
Bob Petti
Mar 18. 2004
Tears for Bornholm
Never good to hear of a fishing trip I will miss
Steve Schweitzer
Mar 17. 2004
Preparing for Bornholm
The annual Bornholm highlight is getting closer
Martin Joergensen
Mar 16. 2004
A five sea trout day
Spring came - just for an hour, at least
Martin Joergensen
Mar 11. 2004
Spring around the corner
Winter is slowly loosing its grip here in Denmark
Martin Joergensen
Mar 5. 2004
More MicroBlunder Musings
Another useless microstink feature
Steve Schweitzer
Mar 4. 2004
Multiplexed Microsoft Mayhem
Why must meandering thru Microsoft apps be maming?
Steve Schweitzer
Feb 29. 2004
First fish
This year's first fish has been hooked
Martin Joergensen
Feb 19. 2004
Waterhen Bloa
All trout anglers should tie one
Bob Petti
Feb 13. 2004
Stalcup's D Rib
I'm loving this stuff
Bob Petti
Feb 3. 2004
I'm going fishing
Planning a trip for some Pike
Bob Petti
Feb 3. 2004
Rod Builders... Listen Up!
Want to submit an article?
Bob Petti
Jan 26. 2004
New facilities
Lots of news on GFF
Martin Joergensen
Jan 12. 2004
Largely painless server move
It seems that GFF runs as it should
Martin Joergensen
Jan 5. 2004
GFF on a new server
GFF has moved - not that you should feel any difference
Martin Joergensen